Thursday, July 30, 2015

Circuit Training Workouts

"Allow me to take the time & stress out of designing "’the clients’ favorite": Circuit Training Routines, So you can spend MORE time training your clients and growing your fitness business."

I’m Leon Melnicenko. Former Bootcamp Owner & Author of industry-acclaimed, Unique Bootcamp Workouts 2.0 – which in the 18 months since launch has sold over 1000 copies to savvy bootcamp owners around the globe.

My MOST popular workouts EVER (according to my blog traffic, subscriber surveys and feedback), are without doubt, my Team Competition Circuits.

So if you love surprising your client’s with fun and challenging workouts, then team circuits is a must.  In fact, existing users have reported increased attendance from their campers (by up to 67%), improved referrals and a 20% longer average membership from their clients.

If you’ve been struggling to come up with unique, and brand new ideas, then you can use this amazing resource to supercharge your workouts instantly. In my experience, clients LOVE the buzz of these fun and fast-paced workout because they’re enjoyable.

But I know it’s tough to come up with cool new ideas for every session, I been there to. I used to waste the whole day trying to figure out what I was going to do in my session that night. I used to get stuck in the trap of setting out 8 stations in a circle with a different exercise on each one, and repeating the same type of workouts.

But for my clients (and I expect yours…

Circuit Training Workouts

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