Monday, July 27, 2015

101 Superfoods That Stop Your Joint Pain & Inflammation

There is an invisible civil war raging inside the body of millions of Americans that can go undetected for years.   It’s called, chronic inflammation and has been featured on the cover of TIME magazine with the title, “Secret Killer”.

Chronic inflammation, however, harms rather than heals, because the immune system attack never stops. It’s like being shot by “friendly fire” during a perpetual war raging inside the body, says Dr. Schauer.

Picture a sneak attack on your joints and blood vessels causing tender, throbbing, hotspots that are wreaking havoc on the areas of your body that were once pain free.

According to Yahoo Health many scientists now believe that most chronic diseases that we fear most including heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s are all caused by chronic inflammation.

Poor dietary choices over stimulate the immune system and cause chronic inflammatory responses that deteriorate the body’s overall health, limiting mobility and contributing to painful joints.

There are however, steps you can take today to reduce the likelihood that you’ll suffer from chronic joint inflammation and pain. Getting started is as easy as incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into your diet. Fortunately, the list of foods that fight the effects of chronic inflammation is long—and tasty.

Not surprisingly, these are foods that are rich in immune boosting vitamins, antioxidants, flavonoids, phytonutrients, minerals, proteins, healthy fats or complex carbs.

Here are the Top 3 picks from our new publication, 101 Superfoods that Stop Your Joint Pain & Inflammation.


101 Superfoods That Stop Your Joint Pain & Inflammation

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